Would you like to learn more about the menopause and what to expect?
Do you need some ideas about how to support someone who is struggling with their menopause?
Have you got a team of people you could organise a menopause education session for?
I am a GP with an interest in women’s health and particularly menopause care.
I deliver menopause education talks covering all aspects of the menopause and perimenopause and how the symptoms can be alleviated through non hormonal methods and using HRT.
My main aim is to help women to be prepared for this stage of life and to equip them with knowledge to enable them to make good decisions as they navigate their menopause.
I also believe everybody needs to know this information whether we will or won’t experience menopause ourselves.
There is a lot of media attention on this topic and I am passionate to see people given good quality information about menopause to be able to get the help they need or to support others.
Please look through my website to see more of what I do and get in touch via the contacts page if you would like to discuss further.
Approximately one third of the female population in the UK is currently perimenopausal or menopausal
More than 90% of women surveyed had never been taught about the menopause at school, and more than 60% did not feel informed at all about the menopause
51% of women say that their menopause has affected their sex lives
Three quarters of menopausal women in the United Kingdom say that the menopause has caused them to change their lives and more than half say it has had a negative impact on their lives
38% of partners say they feel helpless when it comes to supporting their partner through the menopause
47% of women who have needed to take a day off work due to menopause symptoms say they wouldn’t tell their employer the real reason
Statistics from the British Menopause Society and Women’s Health Journal study