About Me
I want to educate everyone about what to expect from the perimenopause and menopause so they are well informed about self care and when to seek medical help, and able to support those who are struggling
I’m Dr Katherine Cole and I work as a GP on the Essex / Hertfordshire border.
I really enjoy the variety of my days in the surgery, seeing lots of different patients with a whole range of issues, but my passion is Women’s Health. I love helping women navigate the different health conditions they experience as well as discussing contraception and fitting implants and coils.
Over the last few years I have become increasingly interested in the menopause and perimenopause and all the treatment options related to it. I’m excited that it is being spoken about more in the narrative of society.
I believe that we should offer good menopause care in a GP setting and that women should be able to have open and helpful discussions with their GP about this life stage and their choices within it. I also believe that the better educated women are about the perimenopause and menopause, the better able they are to understand what’s going on and to approach their GP in confidence if this is what they need.
For the past two years I have been delivering menopause information talks with the aim of informing and equipping women to understand the changes that may occur during and approaching menopause and what their options are for treating or alleviating these symptoms. My key message is that knowledge is power – I don’t want women to be seeking out menopause symptoms or asking for HRT when they don’t really need it or blaming everything on hormones; I just want every woman to know about the perimenopause and menopause so that as it happens to her and as she goes through the unique experience that her body brings her, she can feel empowered to know what is occurring and what she can do to help herself and what her options are if she does need to ask for medical treatment.
I am also keen for people who will not go through the menopause, or have not come near it yet, to increase their understanding about some of the difficulties and challenges menopause can bring to women, so they can be more compassionate and understanding of those they know who are struggling – wives, mothers, sisters, friends, colleagues.
I would love to have opportunities to speak in a variety of settings – please get in touch if you would like to discuss a menopause education session.
Thank you.